Friday, March 27, 2009

A stained glass piece I did several years ago. I didn't realize that it has some damage until I looked at the picture. I hope to get a shop built this summer so that I can do more stained glass work. I have several other pieces that I don't have pictures of yet. I really enjoyed the glass work and want to try some hot glass work as soon as I get a kiln. 
   The center of this piece is made from a traffic light lens over a flat piece with the features on the face epoxied on. The 'rays' right around the face are copper sheet. I don't know what happened to that one missing section.

Thursday, March 26, 2009


  This is a yard piece made from glass and iron, all found items. It is about 8 ft. tall .

Thursday, March 12, 2009

 Not a very good picture but this is a hanging wind vane sort of thing. Once again copper and glass for the most part with some found items like porcelain door knobs thrown in. This one is named "LEONARDO" as in DaVinci's flying  machine. It took about two years to get this one done and it has been hanging in a tree for at least 5 years since then. There is a little damage on the wings from a storm so I'll have to bring it down and repair it this summer.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

 A copper and glass yard ornament I made several years ago. Kind of a celtic thing going there. Looks pretty cool when the sun shines directly thru it. About 2 feet tall and a foot wide at the largest. The copper is starting to get that nice verdigris coloration.

rune casting table

    I made this table [ actually I haven't put legs on it yet] because it didn't feel right casting the rune stones just anywhere. I'm going to make a drawer underneath to hold several sets of rune stones and books. The painting is done in acrylic craft paints with a spray clear coat over it. I wanted a sort of mystic, fortune teller, kind of look which I think I achieved. I tried to get in as many traditions as I could.